Metric plugins - mackerel-plugin-jvm

mackerel-plugin-jvm retrieves various metrics about the JVM from commands such as jstat, jinfo and jps.

This plugin will not work if PerfDisableSharedMem is specified in the JVM options. For more information, see here for details.


Run the following jstat command on the application lvmid specified by --javaname or the process ID of the file specified by --pidfile and post the output as a metric. The string after the last dot (.) in the metric name corresponds to the name of each piece of information that can be retrieved with the jstat command.

  • jstat -gc
  • jstat -gccapacity
  • jstat -gcnew
  • jstat -gcold

Monitorable metrics

The XXX in each graph name is set to the application name specified by the --javaname option.

JVM XXX GC events

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Young GC event custom.jvm.#.gc_events.YGC Number of Young GC events
Full GC event custom.jvm.#.gc_events.FGC Number of Full GC events
Concurrent GC event custom.jvm.#.gc_events.CGC Number of Concurrent GC events
  • Concurrent GC event is available in Java 11 or later.

JVM XXX GC time (sec)

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Young GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time.YGCT Execution time of Young GC
Full GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time.FGCT Execution time of Full GC
Concurrent GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time.CGCT Execution time of Concurrent GC
  • Concurrent GC time is available in Java 11 or later.

JVM XXX GC time percentage

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Young GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time_percentage.YGCT Percentage of Young GC in GC time per 60 seconds
Full GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time_percentage.FGCT Percentage of Full GC in GC time per 60 seconds
Concurrent GC time custom.jvm.#.gc_time_percentage.CGCT Percentage of Concurrent GC in GC time per 60 seconds
  • Concurrent GC time is available in Java 11 or later.

JVM XXX New Space memory

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
New max custom.jvm.#.new_space.NGCMX Maximum capacity of New Generation (KB)
New current custom.jvm.#.new_space.NGC Current capacity of New Generation (KB)
Eden used custom.jvm.#.new_space.EU Eden space usage (KB)
Survivor0 used custom.jvm.#.new_space.S0U Current usage of Survivor space 0 (KB)
Survivor1 used custom.jvm.#.new_space.S1U Current usage of Survivor space 1 (KB)

JVM XXX Old Space memory

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Old max custom.jvm.#.old_space.OGCMX Maximum capacity of Old Generation (KB)
Old current custom.jvm.#.old_space.OGC Current capacity of Old Generation (KB)
Old used custom.jvm.#.old_space.OU Old space usage (KB)

JVM XXX Permanent Space

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Perm max custom.jvm.#.perm_space.PGCMX Maximum capacity of Permanent Generation (KB)
Perm current custom.jvm.#.perm_space.PGC Current capacity of Permanent Generation (KB)
Perm used custom.jvm.#.perm_space.PU Permanent space usage (KB)
  • Java 8 or later is not supported.

JVM XXX Metaspace

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
Metaspace capacity max custom.jvm.#.metaspace.MCMX Maximum capacity of metaspace (KB)
Metaspace capacity min custom.jvm.#.metaspace.MCMN Minimum capacity of metaspace (KB)
Metaspace capacity custom.jvm.#.metaspace.MC Metaspace capacity (KB)
Metaspace utilization custom.jvm.#.metaspace.MU Metaspace usage (KB)
Compressed Class Space Capacity custom.jvm.#.metaspace.CCSC Compressed class space capacity (KB)
Compressed Class Space Used custom.jvm.#.metaspace.CCSU Compressed class space used (KB)

JVM XXX MemorySpace

Metric Display Name Metric Name Diff Stacked Description
GC Old Memory Space custom.jvm.#.memorySpace.oldSpaceRate Old generation usage rate
GC New Memory Space custom.jvm.#.memorySpace.newSpaceRate New generation usage rate
CMS Initiating Occupancy Fraction custom.jvm.#.memorySpace.CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction Threshold to perform CMS GC
  • GC Old Memory Space is calculated as (Old used / Old current ) * 100.
  • GC New Memory Space is calculated as (Survivor0 used + Survivor1 used + Eden used) / (Survivor0 current + Survivor1 current + Eden current) * 100.
  • CMS Initiating Occupancy Fraction is not posted when the --remote option is specified.
    • If the --remote option is not specified, the following command will be executed when retrieving information.
      • jinfo -flag UseConcMarkSweepGC
      • jinfo -flag CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction

Configurable options

The options that can be specified for the plug-ins are as follows.

Option Description Required Default
--host Deprecated: hostname of jps/jstat
--port Deprecated: Target port of jps/jstat 0
--remote Remote target for jps/jstat. Specified by hostname[:port][/servername].
--jstatpath Path to jstat command /usr/bin/jstat or $JAVA_HOME/bin/jstat
--jinfopath Path to jinfo command /usr/bin/jinfo or $JAVA_HOME/bin/jinfo
--jpspath Path to jps command /usr/bin/jps or $JAVA_HOME/bin/jps
--javaname The name of the application to be used as the graph name
--pidfile Path to pidfile
--tempfile Path to Temp file
  • If the --remote option is specified, jps and jstat must be executable locally from this plugin.
  • If there is more than one application with the name specified in the --javaname option, only one of the metrics will be posted.
    • To identify one of several applications with duplicate names, specify the pid file of the application to be monitored with the --pidfile option, or adjust the application name to avoid duplication.

Example configuration

command = [ "mackerel-plugin-jvm", "--javaname", "tomcat", "--jstatpath", "/usr/bin/jstat", "--jpspath", "/usr/bin/jps", "--jinfopath", "/usr/bin/jinfo"]

If you have multiple JVMs running on the same host and wish to monitor each one individually, specify different values for [plugin.metrics.xxxxxx] as follows

command = [ "mackerel-plugin-jvm", "--jstatpath", "/usr/bin/jstat", "--jpspath", "/usr/bin/jps", "--jinfopath", "/usr/bin/jinfo", "--javaname", "app01", "--pidfile", "/path/to/app01pidfile" ]

command = [ "mackerel-plugin-jvm", "--jstatpath", "/usr/bin/jstat", "--jpspath", "/usr/bin/jps", "--jinfopath", "/usr/bin/jinfo", "--javaname", "app02", "--pidfile", "/path/to/app02pidfile" ]


Failed to run exec jinfo. jinfo command timed out. in mackerel-agent log

  • It is thought that a timeout occurred when executing the jinfo command from the plugin, due to temporary host load or other factors.
  • If the output is continuous, please run the jinfo command manually to check the status.
  • It may be possible to avoid this problem by adjusting the timeout value (timeout_seconds) of the monitoring rule. Please refer to Configuration for details.
