Webhook notifications

Using Webhook you can receive the JSON from your Mackerel alerts with POST. This will be handy for those users who want to automate processes that occur after notifications are received.

Adding Webhook notifications

Notification settings can be added and configured Webhook form in the Channels Page. Here you will need to designate the URL that will receive POSTs from Mackerel's servers.

JSON format

The JSON that will be sent contains the following. (Items may be added at any time)

  "orgName": "Macker...",
  "event": "alert",
  "imageUrl": "https://mackerel.io/embed/public/.../....png",
  "memo": "memo....",
  "type": "host",
  "message": "MetricName 2.26 > 1.96",
  "host": {
    "id": "22D4...",
    "name": "app01",
    "url": "https://mackerel.io/orgs/.../hosts/...",
    "type": "unknown",
    "status": "working",
    "memo": "",
    "isRetired": false,
    "roles": [
        "fullname": "Service: Role",
        "serviceName": "Service",
        "serviceUrl": "https://mackerel.io/orgs/.../services/...",
        "roleName": "Role",
        "roleUrl": "https://mackerel.io/orgs/.../services/..."
  "alert": {
    "openedAt": 1473129912,
    "closedAt": 1473130092,
    "createdAt": 1473129912693,
    "criticalThreshold": 1.9588528112516932,
    "duration": 5,
    "isOpen": true,
    "metricLabel": "MetricName",
    "metricValue": 2.255356387321597,
    "monitorName": "MonitorName",
    "monitorOperator": ">",
    "status": "critical",
    "trigger": "monitor",
    "id": "2bj...",
    "url": "https://mackerel.io/orgs/.../alerts/2bj...",
    "warningThreshold": 1.4665636369580741

JSON items

orgName string name of the organization where the alert occurred
event string fixed as alert
type string the type of the monitor: connectivity ("connectivity"), host metric ("host"), service metric ("service"), external monitor ("external"), check monitor ("check"), expression monitor ("expression"), or anomaly detection for roles ("anomalyDetection")
message string alert message
host object host information (output for alerts of host metrics only)
service object service information (output for alerts of service metrics only)
alert object alert information
imageUrl string / null image URL of the corresponding graph
However, this is set as null if Include graph image is turned off or if no corresponding graph exists.
memo string notes regarding the monitor.

JSON items (host information)

id string host ID
name string host name
url string URL of the host details
status string host status (working, standby, poweroff, maintenance)
memo string memo registered to the host
isRetired boolean whether or not retired
roles array[object] role information (if the role is configured to the host)

JSON items (role information)

fullname string service name: role name
serviceName string service name
serviceUrl string URL of the service details
roleName string role name
roleUrl string URL of the role in service details

JSON items (service information)

id string service ID
memo string memo registered to services
name string service name
orgId string ID of the organization where the service is registered
roles array[object] role information (if the role is registered in services)

JSON items (Metric information by query monitoring)

labels object labels of the metric e.g. { "http.method": "GET", "http.status_code": "200" }
name string metric name e.g. httpcheck.status

JSON items (alert information)

id string alert ID
status string alert status (ok, warning, critical, unknown)
isOpen boolean whether or not the alert is open
trigger string what triggered the notification (monitoring, manual, monitorDelete, hostRetire)
url string URL of the alert details
openedAt number time the alert occurred (epoch seconds)
closedAt number time the alert resolved (epoch seconds)
createdAt number time the alert occurred (epoch milliseconds). A deprecated item and not recommended. Please use openedAt
monitorName string name of the monitoring item that detected the alert
metricLabel string title of the monitoring target's metrics etc.
metricValue number metric value at the time of detection
criticalThreshold number CRITICAL threshold
warningThreshold number WARNING threshold
monitorOperator string > or <
duration number monitoring interval

Note: Alert information items fluctuate depending on the type of monitoring target (host metrics, service metrics, external monitoring, expression monitoring, query monitoring) and each configuration item. For example, if only the URL is configured with external monitoring, information for metrics, thresholds, etc. will not be included. The type of monitoring target and the output items correspond with possible input items from the monitoring configurations screen.

Making use of Webhook

Security when using Webhook

For security purposes, we recommend taking the following measures when using Webhook.

  • Use SSL
    • Does not support unique certificates or partial certificate authority
  • Set up basic authentication and include the authentication information in the URL
    • Format like this https://user:p4ssw0rd@example.com
  • Enforce IP restriction
    • For infomation of the IP address range of request origins of notifications from Mackerel, check our FAQ page.