Check plugins - check-aws-cloudwatch-logs

check-aws-cloudwatch-logs is a plugin that monitors log group of CloudWatch Logs. This plugin will generate an alert when it detects logs that match the conditions described in the CloudWatch Logs filter and pattern syntax. This plugin requires configuration to run FilterLogEvents API of CloudWatch Logs. See Authentication and required policies for more information.

Monitoring Specifications

check-aws-cloudwatch-logs monitors logs up to 1 minute before the current time when first run.

  • ex. 1st run at 12:00
    • Target is 11:59 (startTime) to 12:00 (endTime)

The endTime is recorded in State file each time it is executed, and from the second time onward, the log is monitored from the current time to that time.

  • ex. 1st run 12:00, 2nd run 12:05
    • Target is 12:00 (startTime) to 12:05 (endTime)

If more than one hour has passed since the last execution, logs up to 1 minute before the current time will be monitored as in the case of the first execution.

Configurable options

Option Short Description Default
--log-group-name Specify target log group
--log-stream-name-prefix Prefix to filter log stream
--pattern -p Set search strings for monitoring in CloudWatch Logs filter and pattern syntax
--warning-over -w Warning alert is issued when the number of lines matching the detection pattern exceeds the specified value 0
--critical-over -c Critical alert is issued when the number of lines matching the detection pattern exceeds the specified value 0
--state-dir -s Specify the directory path where the State file is saved See About State file
--return -r Log lines matching the pattern will be noted in the alert notification (Up to 1024 characters)
--max-retries -t Specify the maximum number of query attempts to CloudWatch Logs 3
--help -h Show help

How to write --pattern option

--pattern is written in CloudWatch Logs filter and pattern syntax. Please refer to the AWS documentation for details on how to specify.

About State file

If the --state-dir option is not specified, the State file will be saved in the following directory in the format {monitoring log group name}-<hash string>.json.

  • When run via mackerel-agent
    • /var/tmp/mackerel-agent/check-cloudwatch-logs
  • When run manually
    • /tmp/check-cloudwatch-logs

Example configurations

The following is a configuration for detecting logs containing the word "Error" in the CloudWatch Logs log group /aws/lambda/sample_log_group.

command = ["check-aws-cloudwatch-logs", "--log-group-name", "/aws/lambda/sample_log_group", "--pattern", "Error"]
env = { AWS_REGION = "ap-northeast-1" }

How to specify a region

The region is specified by the check monitoring environment variable, not by a plugin option. Named profiles by the AWS_PROFILE environment variable are also supported.

env = { AWS_REGION = "ap-northeast-1" }

Authentication and required policies

check-aws-cloudwatch-logs uses the FilterLogEvents API of CloudWatch Logs. Please check that the credentials of the IAM user/role are available to perform the following actions on the monitored log groups.

  • logs:FilterLogEvents

The following methods are supported for setting credentials.

  • Use of instance profiles (when monitoring from EC2 instances)
  • Use named profiles in the AWS_PROFILE environment variable
  • Specify the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID / AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY directly with env = {} in mackerel-agent.conf.


`Unknown: command timed out' occurred

A log stream with a high flow rate or a log group with a large number of streams may cause the plugin execution to time out. You can extend the timeout by specifying timeout_seconds in the plugin configuration. However, it must be specified so that it does not exceed check_interval. For more information, see Adding monitors for script checks.

If the log volume is large, a timeout may occur. If timeouts occur frequently, reduce the amount of log volume or sample the logs. If this is difficult, consider using check-aws-cloudwatch-logs-insights, which also supports monitoring of large log groups.
