Azure Integration - SQL Database

Mackerel supports obtaining and monitoring SQL Database metrics in Azure Integration. When integrating with Azure Integration, billable targets are determined using the conversion 1 Instance = 1 Micro Host.

Please refer to the following page for Azure Integration configuration methods and a list of supported Azure services.
Azure Integration

Obtaining metrics

The metrics available with Azure Integration SQL Database support vary by pricing tier. The metrics that can be obtained at each tier are as follows. For Metric explanations, refer to the Azure help page.

DTU based model

Basic, Standard, Premium

The maximum number of metrics obtainable is 21.

Graph name Metric Metric name in Mackerel Unit Aggregation Type
Data space allocated allocated_data_storage azure.sql_database.allocated_data_storage.allocated_data bytes Average
Connections blocked_by_firewall
integer Total
CPU cpu_percent azure.sql_database.cpu.percent percentage Average
Deadlocks deadlock azure.sql_database.deadlock.count integer Total
DTU Consumption dtu_consumption_percent azure.sql_database.dtu_consumption.percent percentage Average
DTU dtu_limit
float Average
Log Write log_write_percent azure.sql_database.log_write.percent percentage Average
Data Read physical_data_read_percent azure.sql_database.physical_data_read.percent percentage Average
Sessions sessions_percent azure.sql_database.sessions.percent percentage Average
SQL Server process core percent sqlserver_process_core_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_core_percent.percent percentage Maximum
SQL Server process memory percent sqlserver_process_memory_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_memory_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Data space used storage bytes Maximum
Data space used percent storage_percent azure.sql_database.storage_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Tempdb Data File Size tempdb_data_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_data_size.data_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Log File Size tempdb_log_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_size.log_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Percent Log Used tempdb_log_used_percent azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_used_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Workers workers_percent azure.sql_database.workers.percent percentage Average
In-Memory OLTP Storage xtp_storage_percent azure.sql_database.xtp_storage.percent percentage Average

vCore based model

General Purpose

The maximum number of metrics obtainable is 20.

Graph name Metric Metric name in Mackerel Unit Aggregation Type
Data space allocated allocated_data_storage azure.sql_database.allocated_data_storage.allocated_data bytes Average
Connections blocked_by_firewall
integer Total
CPU limit/used cpu_limit
float Average
CPU cpu_percent azure.sql_database.cpu.percent percentage Average
Deadlocks deadlock azure.sql_database.deadlock.count integer Total
Log Write log_write_percent azure.sql_database.log_write.percent percentage Average
Data Read physical_data_read_percent azure.sql_database.physical_data_read.percent percentage Average
Sessions sessions_percent azure.sql_database.sessions.percent percentage Average
SQL Server process core percent sqlserver_process_core_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_core_percent.percent percentage Maximum
SQL Server process memory percent sqlserver_process_memory_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_memory_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Data space used storage bytes Maximum
Data space used percent storage_percent azure.sql_database.storage_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Tempdb Data File Size tempdb_data_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_data_size.data_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Log File Size tempdb_log_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_size.log_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Percent Log Used tempdb_log_used_percent azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_used_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Workers workers_percent azure.sql_database.workers.percent percentage Average
In-Memory OLTP Storage xtp_storage_percent azure.sql_database.xtp_storage.percent percentage Average

In addition to the metrics above, the following metrics are retrieved for serverless databases that are supported for General Purpose only.

Graph name Metric Metric name in Mackerel Unit Aggregation Type
App CPU billed app_cpu_billed azure.sql_database.app_cpu_billed.billed integer Total
App CPU percentage app_cpu_percent azure.sql_database.app_cpu_percent.percent percentage Average
App memory used percentage app_memory_percent azure.sql_database.app_memory_percent.percent percentage Average

Business Critical

The maximum number of metrics obtainable is 20.

Graph name Metric Metric name in Mackerel Unit Aggregation Type
Data space allocated allocated_data_storage azure.sql_database.allocated_data_storage.allocated_data bytes Average
Connections blocked_by_firewall
integer Total
CPU limit/used cpu_limit
float Average
CPU cpu_percent azure.sql_database.cpu.percent percentage Average
Deadlocks deadlock azure.sql_database.deadlock.count integer Total
Log Write log_write_percent azure.sql_database.log_write.percent percentage Average
Data Read physical_data_read_percent azure.sql_database.physical_data_read.percent percentage Average
Sessions sessions_percent azure.sql_database.sessions.percent percentage Average
SQL Server process core percent sqlserver_process_core_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_core_percent.percent percentage Maximum
SQL Server process memory percent sqlserver_process_memory_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_memory_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Data space used storage bytes Maximum
Data space used percent storage_percent azure.sql_database.storage_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Tempdb Data File Size tempdb_data_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_data_size.data_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Log File Size tempdb_log_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_size.log_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Percent Log Used tempdb_log_used_percent azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_used_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Workers workers_percent azure.sql_database.workers.percent percentage Average
In-Memory OLTP Storage xtp_storage_percent azure.sql_database.xtp_storage.percent percentage Average


The maximum number of metrics obtainable is 18.

Graph name Metric Metric name in Mackerel Unit Aggregation Type
Data space allocated allocated_data_storage azure.sql_database.allocated_data_storage.allocated_data bytes Average
Connections blocked_by_firewall
integer Total
CPU limit/used cpu_limit
float Average
CPU cpu_percent azure.sql_database.cpu.percent percentage Average
Deadlocks deadlock azure.sql_database.deadlock.count integer Total
Log Write log_write_percent azure.sql_database.log_write.percent percentage Average
Data Read physical_data_read_percent azure.sql_database.physical_data_read.percent percentage Average
Sessions sessions_percent azure.sql_database.sessions.percent percentage Average
SQL Server process core percent sqlserver_process_core_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_core_percent.percent percentage Maximum
SQL Server process memory percent sqlserver_process_memory_percent azure.sql_database.sqlserver_process_memory_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Tempdb Data File Size tempdb_data_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_data_size.data_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Log File Size tempdb_log_size azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_size.log_size bytes Maximum
Tempdb Percent Log Used tempdb_log_used_percent azure.sql_database.tempdb_log_used_percent.percent percentage Maximum
Workers workers_percent azure.sql_database.workers.percent percentage Average
In-Memory OLTP Storage xtp_storage_percent azure.sql_database.xtp_storage.percent percentage Average


Databases within Azure SQL Database supported elastic pools will not obtain the following metrics.

  • sqlserver_process_core_percent
  • sqlserver_process_memory_percent
  • tempdb_data_size
  • tempdb_log_size
  • tempdb_log_used_percent

These metrics are also unobtainable if using a DTU-based SQL Database with Gen 4 hardware and less than 200 DTU.
This is due to Azure platform restrictions.

Use the following method to check your environment.

  • DTU
    • DTU can be checked in the Azure portal's target resource overview.
  • Hardware generation
    • The generation can be checked by running the following query in the target's SQL Database.
SELECT TOP (1) rg.slo_name,
    WHEN rg.slo_name LIKE '%SQLG4%' THEN 'Gen4'
    WHEN rg.slo_name LIKE '%SQLGZ%' THEN 'Gen4'
    WHEN rg.slo_name LIKE '%SQLG5%' THEN 'Gen5'
    WHEN rg.slo_name LIKE '%SQLG6%' THEN 'Gen5'
 END AS dtu_hardware_gen
FROM sys.dm_user_db_resource_governance AS rg

Furthermore, Gen 4 hardware is gradually being replaced with Gen 5 through Azure maintenance.
SQL Databases that do not currently display the corresponding metrics may display them in the future.