Mackerel supports obtaining and monitoring Amazon DocumentDB metrics in AWS Integration. When integrating with AWS Integration, billable targets are determined using the conversion 1 Instance = 1 Micro Host. In addition to this, depending on the number of metrics retrieved, you may be charged for exceeding the maximum number of metrics per micro host.
Please refer to the following page for AWS Integration configuration methods and a list of supported AWS services.
AWS Integration
Obtaining metrics
The metrics obtainable with AWS Integration's DocumentDB support are as follows. For Metric
explanations, refer to the AWS help page.
The maximum number of metrics obtainable is 53.
Graph name | Metric | Metric name in Mackerel | Unit | Statistics |
CPU | CPUUtilization | docdb.cpu.used | percentage | Average |
Database Connections | DatabaseConnections DatabaseConnectionsMax |
docdb.database_connections.used docdb.database_connections.max |
integer | Sum |
Database Cursor | DatabaseCursors DatabaseCursorsMax DatabaseCursorsTimedOut |
docdb.database_cursor.used docdb.database_cursor.max docdb.database_cursor.timeout |
integer | Sum |
Memory | FreeableMemory SwapUsage | docdb.memory.swap |
bytes | Average |
Storage | FreeLocalStorage | | bytes | Average |
Transaction | TransactionsOpen TransactionsOpenMax TransactionsStarted TransactionsCommitted TransactionsAborted | docdb.transaction.open_max docdb.transaction.started docdb.transaction.committed docdb.transaction.aborted |
integer | Sum |
Replica Lag | DBClusterReplicaLagMaximum *1 DBClusterReplicaLagMinimum *1 DBInstanceReplicaLag *2 |
docdb.replica_lag.max docdb.replica_lag.min docdb.replica_lag.lag |
float | Average |
Operation | OpcountersCommand OpcountersDelete OpcountersGetmore OpcountersInsert OpcountersQuery OpcountersUpdate |
docdb.operation.command docdb.operation.delete docdb.operation.getmore docdb.operation.insert docdb.operation.query docdb.operation.update |
integer | Sum |
Disk Latency | ReadLatency WriteLatency | docdb.disk_latency.write |
float | Average |
Disk IOPS | ReadIOPS WriteIOPS | docdb.disk_iops.write |
iops | Average |
Documents | DocumentsDeleted DocumentsInserted DocumentsReturned DocumentsUpdated TTLDeletedDocuments |
docdb.documents.deleted docdb.documents.inserted docdb.documents.returned docdb.documents.updated docdb.documents.ttl_deleted |
integer | Sum |
Network Throughput | NetworkReceiveThroughput NetworkTransmitThroughput NetworkThroughput |
docdb.network_throughput.receive docdb.network_throughput.transmit docdb.network_throughput.all |
integer | Average |
Disk Throughput | ReadThroughput WriteThroughput | docdb.disk_throughput.write |
bytes | Average |
CPU Credit | CPUCreditUsage *3 CPUCreditBalance *3 CPUSurplusCreditBalance *3 CPUSurplusCreditsCharged *3 |
docdb.cpu_credit.usage docdb.cpu_credit.balance docdb.cpu_credit.surplus docdb.cpu_credit.charged |
float | Average |
Cache Hit Ratio | BufferCacheHitRatio IndexBufferCacheHitRatio |
docdb.cache_hit_ratio.buffer docdb.cache_hit_ratio.index |
percentage | Average |
Throttle Queue Depth | LowMemThrottleQueueDepth LowMemThrottleMaxQueueDepth |
docdb.throttle_queue_depth.low_mem docdb.throttle_queue_depth.low_mem_max |
integer | Sum |
Disk Queue Depth | DiskQueueDepth | docdb.disk_queue_depth.disk | integer | Sum |
Uptime | EngineUptime | docdb.uptime.engine | integer | Sum |
Throttled | LowMemNumOperationsThrottled | docdb.throttled.low_mem | integer | Sum |
Change Stream Log | ChangeStreamLogSize | docdb.change_stream_log.size | integer | Sum |
Volume Used | VolumeBytesUsed *4 | docdb.volume_used.bytes | bytes | Sum |
Backup Storage Used | SnapshotStorageUsed *4 TotalBackupStorageBilled *4 BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed *4 |
docdb.backup_storage_used.snapshot docdb.backup_storage_used.total_billed docdb.backup_storage_used.retention_period |
bytes | Sum |
Among the graphs/metrics obtainable with AWS Integration, metrics included in the following graphs are usually obtained in 5 minute intervals.
- CPU Credit
- Volume Used
Metrics included in the following graphs are usually obtained in 1 day intervals.
- Backup Storage Used
This is specified by the AWS CloudWatch API.