This is the setup process of mackerel-container-agent in Amazon ECS.
This setup process is deprecated for mackerel-container-agent v0.1.0 or later. Please see Setting up mackerel-container-agent on Amazon ECS.
Important points regarding billing
In Mackerel, one task is registered as one micro host. Please note that charges will incur for paid plans. For more details, refer to FAQ・Calculating the number of hosts.
Add containers to the task definitions
Add the mackerel-container-agent container to the task definition that you want to monitor. Add the mackerel-container-agent with the following configuration from the task definition's 'Add container' option.
Item | Value |
container name | mackerel-container-agent |
image | mackerel/mackerel-container-agent:latest |
memory limit | hard limit: 0.125 GB |
environment variable (key: value) | MACKEREL_CONTAINER_PLATFORM: "ecs_v3" MACKEREL_APIKEY: Mackerel API key |
Refer to the 'Agent configuration' section here when using roles and plugins.
CloudFormation template (YAML)
TaskDefinition: Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition Properties: RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE NetworkMode: awsvpc Memory: 512 Cpu: 256 ContainerDefinitions: - Name: alpine Image: alpine:latest Memory: 64 EntryPoint: - sh - -c Command: - "/bin/sh -c \"while true; do sleep 1; done\"" Essential: true - Name: mackerel-container-agent Image: mackerel/mackerel-container-agent:latest Memory: 128 Environment: - Name: MACKEREL_CONTAINER_PLATFORM Value: ecs_v3 - Name: MACKEREL_APIKEY Value: <YOUR_MACKEREL_APIKEY> Essential: false
Start monitoring
Execute the task to which mackerel-container-agent was added and start monitoring.
If this does not work, take a look at the task log.
If using the bridge Network Mode in the EC2 Launch Type, network interface metadata will only be collected from mackerel-container-agent containers. Note that network interface metadata from other containers included in the task will not obtained.