Creating check plugins with checkers

The official check plugins are created using a utility library called Additionally, it uses together for the command line parameter parse.

This section describes how to create check plugins using checkers.

Source code structure for the check plugin

If you are using checkers, the plugin’s source code will consist of the following 4 parts.

  1. Package declaration and import statement
  2. Defining struct for command line parameter use
  3. Defining the main() function
  4. Implementing the run() function

Here, let's take a look at each using check-uptime as an example.

1. Package declaration and import statement

package main

import (


The command will execute as is, so declare package as main and import other necessary libraries.

2. Defining struct for command line parameter use

var opts struct {
    WarnUnder *float64 `short:"w" long:"warning-under" value-name:"N" description:"Trigger a warning if under the seconds"`
    CritUnder *float64 `short:"c" long:"critical-under" value-name:"N" description:"Trigger a critial if under the seconds"`
    WarnOver  *float64 `short:"W" long:"warning-over" value-name:"N" description:"Trigger a warning if over the seconds"`
    CritOver  *float64 `short:"C" long:"critical-over" value-name:"N" description:"Trigger a critical if over the seconds"`

Configure the settings of the command line parameters received by the plugin. Because this set-up process conforms to the specifications of, refer to the go-flags document for more details.

The command line parameters specify the threshold settings, middleware port, and more. In the case of check-time, if uptime falls or exceeds a certain amount of time, the four setting options of warning-under, critical-under, warning-over, critical-over are possible.

3. Defining the main() function

func main() {
    ckr := run(os.Args[1:])
    ckr.Name = "Uptime"

The main () function is the command’s entry point, but with only three lines, it’s very simple. The run () function receives the *checkers.Checker object, configures the Name, and ends the sequence. Name is meant to specify the words displayed at the beginning when the plugin is run. For example, when running check-uptime, the output will be displayed like shown below. “Uptime” in this output is the Name.

% check-uptime
Uptime OK: 0 day(s) 3 hour(s) 17 minute(s) (11877 second(s))

4. Implementing the run() function

func run(args []string) *checkers.Checker {
    _, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, args) // <- (1) Processing command line parameters
    if err != nil {
    ut, err := uptime.Get() // <- (2) Obtaining uptime
    if err != nil {
        return checkers.Unknown(fmt.Sprintf("Faild to fetch uptime metrics: %s", err))

    // (3) Threshold comparison and determining the end status
    checkSt := checkers.OK
    if opts.WarnUnder != nil && *opts.WarnUnder > ut {
        checkSt = checkers.WARNING
    if opts.WarnOver != nil && *opts.WarnOver < ut {
        checkSt = checkers.WARNING
    if opts.CritUnder != nil && *opts.CritUnder > ut {
        checkSt = checkers.CRITICAL
    if opts.CritOver != nil && *opts.CritOver < ut {
        checkSt = checkers.CRITICAL

    // (4) Constructing the output message
    dur := time.Duration(ut * float64(time.Second))
    hours := int64(dur.Hours())
    days := hours / 24
    hours = hours % 24
    mins := int64(dur.Minutes()) % 60
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("%d day(s) %d hour(s) %d minute(s) (%d second(s))\n", days, hours, mins, int64(dur.Seconds()))
    return checkers.NewChecker(checkSt, msg)

The processing of check-uptime is implemented almost entirely within this run() function. The run() function’s signature becomes func run (args [] string) *checkers.Checker. This means that it receives the command line parameters and returns the *checkers.Checker which is the monitoring results object.

Although supplemented with comments, this run() function can roughly be divided into the following four parts.

  1. Processing command line parameters
  2. Obtaining uptime
  3. Threshold comparison and determining the end status
  4. Constructing the output message

Processing command line parameters

In the processing of command line parameters, the contents are mapped in opt by flags.ParseArgs().

Obtaining uptime

Uptime is obtained by using uptime.Get() from the package

Threshold comparison and determining the end status

The end status is determined while comparing thresholds within opt. The end status uses the checkers.OK/WARNING/CRITICAL/UNKNOWN constant.

Constructing the output message

In constructing the output message, the *checkers.Checker object is returned in the end. Here, the object is returned as return checkers.NewChecker(checkSt, msg) , but when the end status is determined, checkers allows you to write code more simply like return checkers.Critical("message") , so please choose accordingly depending on your situation.

With this, we have explained how to create a general check-plugin. Now, by all means, please try it out for yourself.