

利用規約 日本語版

  • 第3条
    • 1項・2項・3項・4項・5項 SAML連携に伴うアカウント管理についての記載の追加および変更
  • 第5条
    • 2項 当社からの連絡方法の追加
  • 第6条
    • 2項 Mackerelの再販禁止条項の追加
  • 第8条
    • 1項・2項・3項 料金プラン変更時の詳細についての変更
  • 第10条(新設)
    • 1項・2項 Mackerelのサービス終了時における通知条項の追加
  • 第10条新設により、以降条番号を繰り下げ

⑵ ユーザーは、
⑷ 本サービス以外のID認証基盤と連携し、シングルサインオン等を利用する場合、連携先のアカウント情報に関してもユーザーが自己の責任で管理するものとし、ユーザーに損害が生じたとしても、当社に故意又は重過失がある場合を除き、当社では一切責任を負わず、賠償はいたしかねます。

⑵ 当社よりユーザーに対して連絡を行う際には、登録メールアドレス宛の電子メールにてメール又はその他当社所定の方法にて連絡を行います。ユーザーは当社からの電子メールを受信できるよう登録メールアドレス情報を正しく維持するものとし、何らかの理由で受信ができなくなった場合には、ユーザーは速やかに登録メールアドレスの変更を適切に行わなければなりません。当社からの電子メールが受信できなかったためにユーザーが被った不利益については、ユーザー自身に責任があるものとし、当社に故意又は重過失がある場合を除き、当社は一切の責任を負いません。

⑵ ユーザーは、本サービスを利用するに際し、以下のような不適切な行為を行ってはなりません。
   ① 迷惑行為、嫌がらせ行為、誹謗中傷行為、第三者に精神的被害・経済的被害を与える行為
   ② 本サービスを利用して、反社会的勢力等の活動を助長または反社会的勢力等に利益を供与する行為
   ③ 社会通念上好ましくない行為、第三者に対して迷惑となり得る行為に対して、当社から注意勧告を受けたにも関わらず、正当な理由なく同様の利用を継続する行為
   ④ 当社の承諾無く本サービスあるいはサービス又はアカウントを転用・売却・再販・譲渡する譲渡、第三者に提供、販売、再販売、利用許諾、再利用許諾もしくはリース、アウトソーシングサービスの一部とする行為

⑴ ユーザーは、当社所定の方法で当社に申請することにより、本サービスの
⑵ 当社は、第2条の規定に準じる他、当社の基準に従い、当該申請について認める場合にはその旨をユーザーに通知し、この通知により、

⑴ 当社は、当社の裁量により、本サービスの提供を終了できるものとします。その場合、当社はユーザーに対して終了予定日の6ヶ月前までに通知を行うものとします。
⑵ 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った措置によって生じた損害について、一切の責任を負いません。


利用規約 英語版


Article 3 (ID and password (account management)
1. When registering, the Prospective User or user shall configure an email address and password at which communication can be received at all times.
Users shall manage and store their registered email addresses and passwords addresses, passwords, or any other information about their accounts at their own risk and discretion, and shall not lend, share, assign, sell, or otherwise provide them to third parties, or allow third parties to use them, such as by changing the name associated with ownership.
3.2. The Company shall deem any act performed using an email address and
password password, or any other information about user's account to be performed by the User who registered with that email address.User.
4.3. The email address and
any other information about user's account used for user registration must be accurate and lawful.
lawful. Where a user discovers that their email address or password has been leaked or used by a third party, or that there is the risk of the same occurring or having occurred, the User shall immediately contact the Company and follow its instructions. In addition, the Company waives all liability for any loss or damage caused by unauthorized login due to the actions of a user, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company, and shall not be liable for indemnification.
6.4. When using a single sign-on, etc. linked to an ID authentication infrastructure other than the Service, Users shall also manage the account information of the linked party at their own risks and the Company waives all liability even if damage is caused to Users,
except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company, and shall not be liable for indemnification.
5. Where the Company deems it necessary, it may terminate the account of a specific user and prohibit use of the Service.

Article 5 (User's responsibility)
2. If the Company needs to contact the User, it shall do so by means of sending an email to the User's registered email address. address or in any other way specified by the Company. The User shall properly update his/her information in respect to his/her registered email address so that he/she can receive emails from the Company. The User must promptly change the registered email address in an appropriate manner if he/she can no longer receive emails by such email address for any reason. The User shall be responsible for any detriment suffered by him/her resulting from the failure to receive emails from the Company, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company, and the Company shall not be liable therefor.

Article 6 (Prohibitions)
2. In connection with the use of the Services, the User shall not engage in any of the inappropriate acts as described below.
   1. Disturbing the peace, harassing, slandering, libel, or forcing psychological harm or economic harm onto a third party.
   2. Promoting organized criminal activity or profiting organized crime in any way through use of the Services.
   3. Continuing the use of the Services without reasonable grounds even though he or she has been warned and cautioned by the Company for acts which are inappropriate under general social convention or which may trouble a third party.
   4. Diverting, Transferring, providing to a third party, selling, re-selling, licensing to use, sub-licensing to use, or transferring making part of a lease or outsourcing service, the Services or accounts maintained with the Company without the approval of the Company.
   5. In addition to the preceding item, making the Service available to third parties or using them for the benefit of third parties without the prior approval of the Company.

   5.6. Any act of reverse engineering to analyze the Service, including but not limited to decompiling or disassembling.
   6.7. Using the Services other than for the purpose of the use of the Services.

Article 8 (Filing for and conclusion (Changes of paid plans)
1. Users may, by filing in the manner prescribed by the Company,
request commencement of apply for a paid plan for the Service, or the termination change of all or part of a paid tariff plan for the Service.
2. In addition to the provisions of Article 2, the Company shall notify users when approving a filing per its internal standards. Procedures for the
commencement or termination change of a paid tariff plan are completed effective the time of said notice.
3. If all or part of a
paid tariff plan is terminated, changed, the terms governing the paid tariff plan shall be in accordance with the following items, in addition to terms separately stipulated by the Company.
Paid Tariff plans remain in effect use will continue to apply until the last day of the month ("Terminating Month") ("Month of Change") in which termination the change procedures were performed.
   2. The usage results for the
Terminating Month of Change are aggregated on the last day of that month, with this amount being incorporated in the final usage fees charged. Effective The changed tariff plan will apply from the first day of the month following the Terminating Month, the Agreement persists and rolls over to the Free plan for the Service.Month of Charge.

Article 10 (Termination of this Service)
1. The Company reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Services, at its sole discretion. In such a case, the Company shall notify the User at least 6 months prior to the scheduled termination date.
2. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by any action taken by the Company in accordance with this Article.

