

You can now edit existing AWS Integration access keys

Yesterday Mackerel ran a booth for business day at the Tokyo Game Show.

A big thanks to all the people that stopped by! The exhibit will be held on 9/15 (Thursday) and 9/16 (Friday), Business day only.

Here is this week’s update.

You can now edit an existing AWS Integration access key

Until now, in order to change an existing access key in AWS Integration, you had to delete the configuration and re-create a new one.

With this update, you can now change the access key as well when editing.

Mackerel exhibition and presentation at Open Cloud Innovation Festa 2016

Tomorrow (the 17th), Mackerel will be running a booth for Day 2 of the Open Cloud Innovation Festa 2016.

Sugiyama, the producer of Mackerel’s development team, is scheduled to take the stage from 3p.m.

For those of you in the area, by all means, stop on by!