Hey! Mackerel sales engineer, id:a-know here.
As previously announced in this blog, we had the pleasure of running a booth at GCP Next Tokyo this past Tuesday!
Not only was the session content extraordinary, but we also received a ton of visitors and it turn into an intense day.
This week’s releases are looking pretty intense as well. Let’s get right to it!
You can now leave a memo for each alert
You can now leave a memo in the details screen of each alert that occurs. Being able to write and leave content like “Currently working on this!” and “Watch carefully” makes conveying that alert’s status to members easier.
Additionally, this memo can also be specified when narrowing down an alert.
A threshold line display has been added to alert and expression monitoring preview graphs
A line indicating the configured threshold is now displayed in the graphs of the alert details screen and the expression monitoring rule creation screen.
Expression monitoring rules can be created by enabling the “experimental features” from the organization’s settings.
With this, visually understanding to what extent the threshold is being exceeded becomes easier, especially for the alert details screen, and it also helps with understanding the situation. By all means, take advantage of this! (Please be aware that a threshold line will not be displayed for the monitoring of % graphs such as CPU % and Memory % in order to designate a ratio as a threshold regarding that sum total.)
Distribution information display added
Distribution information will now be displayed in the hardware information of the host details screen.
If you’re managing multiple distribution hosts from Mackerel, that confirmation can be completed from the Mackerel site!
By updating mackerel-agent to the latest version, platform information can be displayed in a way that is easier to understand. By all means, try it out!
And the ones in charge of this week’s release content are...
As I previously mentioned, the Mackerel team interns were in charge of the development of last week’s release content, but that is not it! From this week's release content shown below,
- Memo for each alert feature
- The narrow-down feature
- Addition of threshold line display on graphs such as the alert detail screen
- Addition of distribution information display
- Feature added to mackerel-agent that allows platform information to be obtained
All of them are the result of our interns!!
That being said, we recognized that Mackerel is a product responsible for monitoring our customers' important servers, and we assure you that careful support and code review from our company engineers was also performed.
Today marking the last day, this intern period has flown by. A presentation of the results of all the interns will also take place today. To all the interns that demonstrated such excellence, I applaud you and bid you farewell!
Release of mackerel-agent etc.
mackerel-agent 0.35.0
The calculation method of size
in filesystem
has been changed
Up until now in Mackerel, the whole size (block count x 1024) was being used as size
in filesystem
, not taking into account the reserved area portion of the filesystem. With this release, the calculation method has been changed to “used area + available area”. This is equivalent to the method taken by the df command, which calculates the usage ratio and such by taking account of the reserved area portion.
HTTP_PROXY can now be configured in mackerel-agent.conf
As a method to configure HTTP Proxy connection for mackerel agent, in addition to the original method consisting of setting the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
, setting the value in mackerel-agent.conf has been added.
For more information, visit the official help page.
We’ve also made some small adjustments so be sure to update the agent.
mackerel-agent-plugins 0.22.1
- Support has been added for
go-check-plugins 0.6.3
- Minor modifications (such as refactoring)
September 15th-16th exhibit at Tokyo Game Show 2016
On top of all the varied releases, here is even more exhibit information.
Mackerel will be running an exhibit at the Tokyo Game Show 2016 on September 15th and 16th (Business day)!
東京ゲームショウ2016 | TOKYO GAME SHOW 2016
We are going to really show off why Mackerel has such a wide range of customers!