

Simplified Role Graphs・Advance notice of the suspension of mackerel-agent's uptime metric transmission・The additon of check-uptime, check-memcached, etc.

With new additions to the Mackerel team, things have started to liven up.

Everyone is excited to get together with the new members for Meetups and Drinkups.

Here is this week’s Mackerel update.

Role graphs with a high number of registered hosts have been simplified

When a lot of hosts are registered to one role, the numerous graph lines can be difficult to read. With this update, role graphs with many hosts registered have been simplified.

On a role graph with more than 30 registered hosts, stacked graphs display the sum, while line graphs display the maximum, minimum, and average. By clicking “show all hosts” located at the bottom of the graph, switching back to the previous detailed format can be done.

For more details, please check out the help document.

The additon of uptime, check-memcached, etc. to mackerel-check-plugins

Updates to both mackerel-agent-plugins and mackerel-check-plugins have been released.

Detailed changes follow below.

Thank you to everyone who made pull requests!!

mackerel-agent-plugins 0.18.0

  • mackerel-plugin-uptime addition
  • mackerel-plugin-mysql: take into account innodb_buffer_pool_instances
  • mackerel-plugin-mysql: support for unix socket
  • mackerel-plugin-inode: have it use df -iP

mackerel-check-plugins 0.5.0

  • check-file-size addition
  • check-jmx-jolokia addition
  • check-memcached addition
  • check-solr addition
  • check-uptime addition
  • check-elasticsearch: --scheme --host --port option addition
  • check-mysql: uptime subcommand addition
  • check-tcp: --no-check-certificate option addition
  • check-tcp: the problem where an error occurs if EOF is contained fixed
  • check-redis: return Critical when master_link_status is down

About the suspension of mackerel-agent’s uptime metric transmission

With the addition of check-uptime and mackerel-plugin-uptime in the release, the uptime information being sent by the existing version of mackerel-agent will no longer be sent by the future version.

Currently the uptime is just being sent and no graph is being drawn in the Mackerel console, so no big effect is expected.

Users who continuously receive uptime information should consider using plugin. Further information will be provided for updating agent at a later time.