


In November 2024, Mackerel will officially support the observability standard OpenTelemetry metrics, and update pricing

We will officially begin support for OpenTelemetry, currently offered in public beta, on November 1, 2024. We will also revise our pricing structure to align with the features (includes price increases).

Notice regarding monitoring-related issue for Google Cloud integration

Thank you for using Mackerel. The following issue regarding Google Cloud integration was identified. Description of issue In cases where Compute Engine is linked, the integration of Compute Engine metrics was terminated and monitoring coul…

Notice of the impact of Typetalk's forced rewriting of tokens due to unauthorised access

This announce is for customers who have linked notifications from Mackerel to Typetalk. Typetalk forcibly rewrote some users' tokens to protect against information leakage due to unauthorised access. As a result, notifications from Mackere…

Receipts issued by Mackerel are now compliant with the requirements of qualified simplified invoices, and more

Hello, this is (id:KGA) from Mackerel team CRE. I am here to inform you about recent updates. Receipts issued by Mackerel are now compliant with the requirements of qualified simplified invoices. mackerel-agent now supports Debian 12 bookw…

Issue with Page Display on Mackerel Web Console

Thank you for using Mackerel. We would like to report an issue lasting several days on the Mackerel web console, in which pages were not displayed properly. Issue An issue occurred in which the content of pages, such as the web console's d…

Notice of Revisions to Mackerel's Terms of Service

Mackerel's Terms of Service has been revised as of today. The contents of the revisions are detailed below.

Apology and details regarding incidents where excessive usage fees were charged when all host usages stopped during the month

This is id:wtatsuru, Assistant Producer of Mackerel.Regarding Mackerel’s usage fee calculations from November 2016 to June 2022, there were incidents where users were charged more excessively than their actual usage due to mistakes in coun…