

AWS Integration now supports Amazon Athena, and more

Hello, this is Mackerel Team CRE's id:kmuto. We would like to inform you about the content of this update.

AWS Integration now supports Amazon Athena

You can now use AWS Integration to retrieve metrics for Amazon Athena, AWS S3 data query service. Please refer to the following document for information on the metrics that can be obtained.

Each workgroup is treated as a Micro host. You can obtain metrics such as the time taken to perform data operations and schema/object operations, or the number of bytes processed.

Custom Dashboard Auto-Generation feature now supports Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudFront, NLB, CLB and AWS Lambda

Have you tried using the Custom Dashboard Auto-Generation feature that we announced in our last release blog?

For Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudFront, NLB (Network Load Balancing), CLB (Classic Load Balancing) and AWS Lambda, the appropriate widgets are now automatically generated when there are hosts of that type in the role. Details of the corresponding services for each of the three tiers of roles (Web/App/DB) are summarised in the following document.

In addition, it is now possible to generate a custom dashboard without selecting all three roles in the three tier template. Please try this with any role you like, regardless of the three-tier structure!

Extending the functionality of Vaxila

We are extending the functionality of Vaxila, which is responsible for distributed tracing compatible with OpenTelemetry. Here are the features we have released this time!

You can now use Vaxila with your Mackerel API key

Until now, the API key that you would use to post to Vaxila was a unique key that you had to look up from Vaxila settings screen. Now any Mackerel API key with 'Write' permission can be used to post to Vaxila!

For organisations that have already used Vaxila with Mackerel, the existing API key for Vaxila has been added to the Mackerel API key list under the name 'Vaxila'.

Date is now shown on the trace graph

We received feedback that it was difficult to understand a long term trace over several days just by looking at the time, so we have changed it to show the date as well.

Service names are now shown in autocomplete

Due to an issue where traces could not be displayed unless the service name was known in advance, we have added a list of service names with posting records that can be displayed and completed when the 'Service' input field is clicked.

Hovering over a trace span now displays the span name in a tooltip

If the trace span is short, the span name is displayed in abbreviated form. Now the full span name is displayed as a tooltip when the cursor is hovered over the span.

Vaxila is currently available free of charge to Mackerel users. For more information, see our previous blog post.

mackerel-plugin-mysql now supports MySQL 8.4

The issue where mackerel-plugin-mysql (a metrics plugin for MySQL servers) did not work with MySQL 8.4 has been fixed.

The updated mackerel-plugin-mysql plugin is included in mackerel-agent-plugins version 0.86.0.

Deprecated settings used in the terraform module for cloudwatch-logs-aggregator have been replaced

As of terraform-provider-aws version 5.68.0, the inline_policy setting has been treated as 'deprecated', so the Terraform file for cloudwatch-logs-aggregator has been changed to use the aws_iam_role_policy setting.

By using the mackerel-monitoring-modules version 0.4.0 module, you can use the new terraform-provider-aws without getting a warning when running terraform plan. This change may cause differences when running terraform plan, but there will be no changes to the actual IAM resources.

cloudwatch-logs-aggregator is a function that runs on AWS Lambda provided by Mackerel that can aggregate logs output to CloudWatch Logs and post the results to Mackerel as service metrics. This Lambda functionality is built on the user's AWS account and a Terraform module is included for this purpose. See also the following blog (in Japanese).

[Notice] The LINE notification function will be terminated on 1st April 2025

Due to the termination of the LINE Notify service on 31st March 2025 (announce from LY Corporation), the LINE notification function currently provided by the Mackerel notification channel will also be terminated on 1st April 2025 and removed from the notification target.

We have discussed providing an alternative method of LINE notification, but we have decided not to provide one at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to our users, but please consider switching to a different notification method such as email.