Hello, this is id:masarasi from Mackerel team CRE. I'd like to inform you about recent updates.
- Current email subscription settings now appear on the unsubscribe and resubscribe pages
- Organization owners are now notified when an email address is bounced.
- You can now copy links in Markdown or Cosense (Scrapbox) format when sharing graphs
- You can now specify the status for when a connectivity monitoring alert occurs with terraform-provider-mackerel
- You can now create query graphs on dashboards with terraform-provider-mackerel
- Added slow_requests_delta metric to mackerel-plugin-php-fpm that posts the difference from the last time slow_requests were made
- The base OS of the mackerel-agent Docker image has been updated
- Support for CentOS 7, Debian 10, and CentOS Stream 8 has ended
- Response to discontinuation of Microsoft Teams connectors
- Support desk closure during Obon holidays
Current email subscription settings now appear on the unsubscribe and resubscribe pages
Email subscription settings can be checked via Email Notifications in account settings for an email address registered with a Mackerel account, but until now, there was no way to check subscription settings for email addresses not registered with an account.
With this update, your current email subscription settings will start appearing on the unsubscribe and resubscribe pages, so even if your email address is not registered with an account, you can check your current settings and change them by accessing the applicable page.
You can access the unsubscribe and resubscribe pages in the following ways.
- Unsubscribe
- The “Unsubscribe here” link in alert notification emails, etc.
- Resubscribe
- The “Resubscribe here” link in the email with the subject “Your unsubscribe request was processed” that is sent when you unsubscribe
Organization owners are now notified when an email address is bounced.
Organization owners will now be notified when a user email address is listed as a bounce. Bounce listings are checked every 30 minutes, and notifications are only sent for email addresses newly added to the bounce list. To remove a bounce listing, please contact the support team via the contact form.
Important notes:
- You will not be notified of bounce registrations for email addresses specified as "specific users" in the Notification Channel Notification Destination.
- Notifications cannot be received if an owner’s email address is listed as a bounce
You can now copy links in Markdown or Cosense (Scrapbox) format when sharing graphs
You can now copy links in Markdown or Cosense (Scrapbox) format in the modal that appears when you click the share button in the upper-right corner of a graph. This should be convenient as it will save time on converting graph links to the appropriate format when putting them in documents and the like. At the moment, this feature is only supported for graphs that appear in custom dashboards and in the Explorer for labeled metrics (beta feature), but we plan to add support for other graphs, too.
You can now specify the status for when a connectivity monitoring alert occurs with terraform-provider-mackerel
For host connectivity monitoring, you can optionally specify either Critical or Warning as the status for when an alert occurs. terraform-provider-mackerel did not previously support such specification, but starting with terraform-provider-mackerel version 0.4.0, it became possible to specify the status via the alert_status_on_gone parameter. This is also described in the documentation, so please take a look.
This update was contributed by handlename. Thank you!
You can now create query graphs on dashboards with terraform-provider-mackerel
This is an update to the labeled metrics currently provided as a beta feature. Starting with terraform-provider-mackerel version 0.4.0, you can now create graph widgets for query graphs on custom dashboards. Please refer to the documentation for the parameters to be specified.
Added slow_requests_delta metric to mackerel-plugin-php-fpm that posts the difference from the last time slow_requests were made
mackerel-plugin-php-fpm posts a metric called slow_requests, but because this is a monotonically increasing value, if you wanted to display the differential from the previous posting, you had to take the time to enable differential values in the graph definition. In this update, we added a metric called slow_requests_delta to post differential values.
slow_requests_delta will be posted starting with mackerel-agent-plugin 0.84.0. Please note that it will be posted as a separate metric from slow_requests, so the number of host metrics will increase.
The base OS of the mackerel-agent Docker image has been updated
The base OS of the mackerel-agent Docker image that runs on Docker has been updated from debian:buster-slim to debian:bookworm-slim. The new base OS Docker image will be introduced in version 0.82.0.
Support for CentOS 7, Debian 10, and CentOS Stream 8 has ended
As announced in the recent announcement, support for CentOS 7, Debian 10, and CentOS Stream 8 has been terminated. Please see Supported Environments for the current supported operating systems.
Response to discontinuation of Microsoft Teams connectors
We use the Teams Incoming Webhook connector to send notifications to teams from Mackerel, but it will no longer be possible to create new Teams connectors after August 15th of this year, and it will no longer be possible to use them after October 1st.
Recently, notifications to Teams have started including the following message, which is related to the discontinuation of Teams connectors.
Action Required: O365 connectors within Teams will be deprecated and notifications from this service will stop. Learn more about the timing and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience. If you want to continue receiving these types of messages, you can use a workflow to post messages from a webhook request. Set up workflow
The Mackerel team is currently considering measures that will enable the continued use of notifications to Teams even after connectors have been discontinued. We will make another announcement with further information on these measures, so we ask that users of notifications to Teams wait a little while longer.
Support desk closure during Obon holidays
Our support desk will be closed during the following period.
Period of closure:Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 to Friday, August 16th, 2024
Inquiries received during this period will be processed in order starting on our next business day, Monday, August 19th, 2024.
Thank you for your kind understanding.