

AWS Integration now supports auto retirement for Amazon ElastiCache, and five other updates

Hello, this is Sudo (id:do-su-0805), the Mackerel team’s CRE. The details of this update are as follows.

AWS Integration now supports auto retirement for Amazon ElastiCache

AWS Integration has implemented an auto retirement function for Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS, which automatically retires hosts registered with Mackerel when they are no longer available on AWS.

This function now supports auto retirement for Amazon ElastiCache as well. Until now, it was necessary to manually retire hosts when scaling in, but with the introduction of auto-scaling for ElastiCache like for EC2 and RDS, auto retirement is now possible using this setting.

Auto retirement settings for ElastiCache in the AWS Integration settings page

Please refer to “Configure automatic retirement” in the following document for more information on the configuration method.
AWS Integration - Mackerel Docs

It is now possible to resubscribe from the email confirming that email notifications have been unsubscribed

Users who had unsubscribed to emails using the unsubscribe link at the end of email notifications for host registration/retirement, alerts, etc., were able to resubscribe to emails sent to users who belong to an organization from User Settings. However, if they had wanted to resubscribe an email address that does not belong to an organization and which was previously added using the “Add any email address” function in the email notification channel settings, they needed to contact Support Desk.

With this update, a resubscribe link has been added to the unsubscribe confirmation email that users receive after clicking “Unsubscribe.”

This feature allows users to resubscribe to email notifications on their own without having to contact Support Desk in the event that they accidentally unsubscribe to emails when sending out email alerts to their mailing list. In addition, it is now possible for Mackerel users to resubscribe with a single click from within the email without having to open User Settings.

A link to resubscribe to emails is now included in the unsubscribe confirmation email

It is now easier to add graph annotations from the service details page

The graph annotations function allows users to leave records related to a specific time, but until now it was only possible to create graph annotations by clicking on areas where a time is displayed at the bottom of the graph. With this update, the “Add a graph annotation” button is now displayed on the service metrics page and in the list of roles when the service details page is opened, making it easier to add graph annotations.

The default value of the target period of a graph annotation when this button is clicked is the center of the time axis of the displayed graph.

'Add a graph annotation' button and the default value of the target period when the button is clicked

When the graph is displayed in thumbnail size, only the button will be visible as shown below.

The graph annotation button when the graph is displayed in thumbnail size

The organization making the post is now displayed when a graph is posted to a notification channel

Until now, the organization name was not shown when a graph is posted using the Posting graphs to notification channels, making it difficult to tell which organization made the post when multiple organizations are used.

With this update, the organization name is now included in the post content, making it possible to tell which organization posted the graph. If an organization has an display name, the display name will also be shown.

Organization name and display name are now shown when posting a graph to Slack

Graph definitions for custom metrics can now be deleted from the API

When publishing a custom metric, the graph display settings are saved as a graph definition and can be customized as desired.

In the past, users had to delete graph definitions individually from the page when they did not want to display metrics that they no longer check or when deleting graph definitions during their test creation.

With this update, graph definitions can now be deleted from the API, making the deletion process easier despite the restriction of having to delete them individually. Standardizing the deletion process using the API will also reduce the number of erroneous operations.

Please refer to the API document below for more information on how to use this function.
Host metrics - Mackerel API Documents (v0)

As stated in our previous announcement, there are now more metrics that can be retrieved through integration with Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora via RDS integration.

Among these, metrics related to multi-source replication when integrating with Amazon RDS have been requested by many users, and we are pleased to share this function with you.
Metrics for a specific channel such as “custom.rds.replication_channel_lag.CHANNEL_NAME” can now be retrieved.

Please refer to the following help page for more information.
AWS Integration - RDS - Mackerel Docs

[Notice] CentOS 7, Debian 10, and CentOS Stream 8 will no longer be supported

With the end of the service life of CentOS 7 and Debian 10 on June 30, 2024, Mackerel will no longer support them.
Likewise, Mackerel will no longer support CentOS Stream 8 with the end of its service life on May 31, 2024.