Hello, this is Igarashi (id:masarasi), CRE from the Mackerel team.
We have identified a bug that is causing some Aurora metrics to be not posted in the AWS RDS Integration.
We have started to work on fixing the bug, but this is a preliminary notice to inform you that your usage fees may be affected due to micro-host conversion if you are using the RDS Integration. Please see below for details.
Currently, the following metrics are not being posted to Mackerel.
Metric | Metric name in Mackerel |
AuroraBinlogReplicaLag | rds.aurora.binlog_replica_lag.lag |
For details regarding the metric, please see the AWS documentation.
Impact on customers after the bug is fixed
After the fix, the above metric will be posted, but as a result, the number of metrics retrieved for RDS microhosts will also increase accordingly. Depending on the host, the maximum number of microhost metrics() may be exceeded, which may affect your usage fees.
For every 30 metrics, one microhost will be charged (see Mackerel Pricing Page).
The metrics retrieved through the AWS Integration can be freely configured in the settings, so please make any adjustments as needed. For details on settings configuration, please refer to the help page: Limit metrics retrieved.
However, the maximum number of metrics retrieved for Aurora MySQL will remain the same as described in the help documentation below. If you have already disabled the retrieval of this metric, it will not be retrieved as a result of this fix.
Maximum number of metrics retrieved for Aurora MySQL (table excerpt)
DB Engine | Maximum Metrics | |
Aurora | MySQL | 43 |