Hello, this is Miura (id:missasan), CRE from the Mackerel team.
As mentioned in the title, we have added new metric targets that can be retrieved through linking with AWS ElastiCache integration.
These changes may affect your usage fee regarding micro host conversion. Continue reading below for more information.
Contents of Specification Change
The additional metrics below can now be retrieved.
Host level metrics
Metric | Metric name in Mackerel |
CPUCreditBalance | elasticache.cpu_credit.balance |
CPUCreditUsage | elasticache.cpu_credit.used |
NetworkBandwidthInAllowanceExceeded | elasticache.network_allowance_exceeded.in |
NetworkBandwidthOutAllowanceExceeded | elasticache.network_allowance_exceeded.out |
NetworkConntrackAllowanceExceeded | elasticache.network_allowance_exceeded.conntrack |
NetworkLinkLocalAllowanceExceeded | elasticache.network_allowance_exceeded.link_local |
NetworkPacketsPerSecondAllowanceExceeded | elasticache.network_allowance_exceeded.pps |
Redis metrics
Metric | Metric name in Mackerel |
AuthenticationFailures | elasticache.redis.failures.authentication |
CommandAuthorizationFailures | elasticache.redis.failures.command_authorization |
KeyAuthorizationFailures | elasticache.redis.failures.key_authorization |
CurrVolatileItems | elasticache.redis.items.current_volatile |
IsPrimary | elasticache.redis.is_primary.primary |
PrimaryLinkHealthStatus | elasticache.redis.primary_link_health_status.sync |
KeysTracked | elasticache.redis.keys_tracked.count |
GlobalDatastoreReplicationLag | elasticache.redis.global_detastore_replication_lag.lag |
BytesReadFromDisk | elasticache.redis.disk_io_bytes.read |
BytesWrittenToDisk | elasticache.redis.disk_io_bytes.write |
NumItemsReadFromDisk | elasticache.redis.disk_io_items.read |
NumItemsWrittenToDisk | elasticache.redis.disk_io_items.write |
ClusterBasedCmds | elasticache.redis.commands.cluster_based |
ClusterBasedCmdsLatency | elasticache.redis.commands_latency.cluster_based |
For details regarding the metrics, please refer to the AWS documentation (Host-Level Metrics, Metrics for Redis).
Impact of the Specification Change
With this specification change, the maximum number of retrieved metrics will change as follows:
- Memcached
- The current maximum number of 41 metrics will increase to 48 metrics.
- Redis
- The current maximum number of 50 metrics will increase to 71 metrics.
The metrics retrieved from the AWS integration can be selected as desired through the configuration. They are retrieved by default, so please use an appropriate configuration based on your needs.