

Monitoring for service metric interruption is now possible and more

Mackerel Team CRE Miura (id:missasan) here.

Due to popular demand, we’ve released a function for service metric interruption monitoring.

Service metrics are versatile because they can be posted using the API without having to go through the Mackerel agent. With this release, it is now possible to detect when service metric posting gets interrupted and prevent the situation from going unnoticed.

Now on to this week’s update information.

Monitoring for service metric interruption is now possible

With Mackerel, you can post and visualize metrics from external services and applications that aren’t directly linked to a specific server using the service metric API. You can do this by hitting the API directly or with fluentd.

Interrupted monitoring for service metrics is a mechanism to detect whether the process of posting these metrics gets interrupted for some reason.

Sometimes stoppages occur with fluentd, and we’ve received feedback from users saying that it took them a few days to even notice that service metrics weren’t being sent. This kind of situation can now be prevented by configuring interruption monitoring.

Configuration Method

Configuring interruption monitoring can be done from the service metric monitoring tab in Monitor Settings or from the editing screen of existing service metric monitors.


Graph legend display for Graphboard expression graphs

As shown in the image below, a graph legend can now be displayed on the bottom of expression graphs that are on the Graphboard which can be created from the service details screen.
