Hello. Development team director id:daiksy here.
Recently, I opened my window before bed expecting a warm night, but was surprised by a very chilly morning. This kind of weather makes controlling my physical condition pretty difficult. Is everyone out there staying healthy?
Here is this week’s update.
“Critical alerts only” now possible for notification groups
For some time we’ve been receiving requests to be able to change notification destinations and to have only urgent Critical alerts be sent to chats when notifications of monitoring results are made.
In this week’s release, we added the item “notification level” to the notification group’s setting screen. When the Critical only
is toggled on, alerts to the notification group will only be sent under the following conditions and Warning alerts will not be sent.
- Notifications will be sent for error levels of Critical or higher (Critical, Unknown)
- OK notifications will be sent for alerts that have previously exceeded Critical
By combining notification groups with limited notification levels, notification destinations can flexibly be set according to the notification level.
Check out the help page as well. mackerel.io
Notice for new mackerel-agent repositories
New package repositories have been released for yum and apt targeted for the new Linux distribution. Check out the link below for more information.
Releases for mackerel-agent and mackerel-agent-plugins
In a previous post, we announced the support of HTTP/2 in mackerel-agent, but due to reports of mackerel-agent not running stably with some network devices, we released a version of mackerel-agent with the HTTP/2 support reverted.
Other changes including detailed content are as follows.
mackerel-agent 0.43.2
- HTTP/2 support revert
mackerel-agent-plugins 0.28.0
- Addition of mackerel-plugin-solr to package
- Addition of mackerel-plugin-aws-dynamodb (not packaged)
- Addition of mackerel-plugin-redash (not packaged)