Hello! Mackerel sales engineer, id:a-know here.
id:Soudai just joined the Mackerel team this month and he’s already gotten the hang of things. I even got the chance to visit customers with him this week.
He has an impressive handle on a lot of different technical fields. Soon enough I plan on having him help out with this weekly blog update as well. Look forward to that!
Anyways, here is this week’s update information.
The Windows version of mackerel-agent has been updated
The Windows version of mackerel-agent has been updated and the following items have been included in the package.
check-windows-eventlog is a plugin for monitoring Windows event logs. Not only can you monitor Application
logs, but Security
logs as well.
For more details, refer to the GitHub repository.
Role graph display metric types are now saved in the browser
Display metric type (loadavg5
etc.) selection information regarding the role graphs displayed in the service details screen and when those graphs are displayed in full screen, is now saved in the browser.
As a result, the metric selection state is maintained even when you return to the service details screen from a different screen or when you reload the role graph’s full-screen display. This makes browsing more convenient.
If there is a query string in the URL when the role graph is in full screen display, that will take precedence.
Mackerel Meetup #9 next week!
The first official Mackerel event of 2017, Mackerel Meetup # 9, will be held next Thursday!
RecoChoku and KDDI will be taking to the podium to talk about Mackerel case studies. On top of that, Mackerel producer, id:sugiyama88 , is scheduled to introduce “New features to be implemented in 2017” and “Hatena’s thoughts on the future of infrastructure management/monitoring and its prospects”.
This time we’re also going to attempt to set up a special slot for bloggers!
In the following week of the event, participants that entered via the "bloggers slot" are required to write a report blog about attending Mackerel Meetup and publish it on the internet (※URLs of published blogs may be introduced on the official Mackerel blog). There are still some open slots, so by all means, apply!