Hello! November has arrived and the mornings and nights are getting more and more chilly yet the midday sunshine is still warm. Personally, I find this season difficult to dress for...
Fortunately, the Mackerel team had hoodies made instead of uniforms and they’re great because they’re so easy to put on/take off.
Anywho, here is this week’s release update.
itamae-plugin-recipe-mackerel-agent gem has been released
A recipe for installing mackerel-agent has been released as a gem with itamae, a lightweight provisioning tool.
itamae-plugin-recipe-mackerel-agent | RubyGems.org | your community gem host
As a result, using itamae to install mackerel-agent will be even easier!
itamae is one of my favorite tools and I even used it for VM instance provisioning at the Mackerel Hands-On Seminar.
By all means, try it out!
Mackerel at OSC Tokyo 2016/Fall
Over the weekend, Mackerel ran an exhibit at the Open Source Conference 2016 Tokyo/Fall held this past Saturday (11/5) and Sunday (11/6)!
Open Source Conference 2016 Tokyo/Fall - Open Source Cultural Festival! (Japanese only)
Hatena’s young Web Operations Engineers id:masayoshi and id:taketo957 took to the stage under the title “Technology to support Hatena’s servers/infrastructure - 2016”.
Open Source Conference 2016 Tokyo/Fall - Event Guide | 2016-11-05 (Sat): Technology to support Hatena’s servers/infrastructure -2016 (Japanese only)
On top of that, yours truly (id:a-know) participated in the LT (Lightning Talk) Tournament held on the first day during lunch break!
The material was about Mackerel and slightly unusual ways to use service metrics.
For those of you who came to the Open Source Conference 2016 Tokyo/Fall, thank you!