

The host list can now be filtered by the Cloud Integration service, and more

Hello, this is Mackerel Team CRE's id:masarasi. We would like to inform you about the content of this update.

The host list can now be filtered by the Cloud Integration service

The host list can be filtered by service/role or host name, but now it can also be filtered by the Cloud Integration service. This makes it easier to find the host you are looking for and to understand the number of hosts for each service.

To narrow down your search, select a service from the "Cloud Integration" pull-down menu at the top of the host list screen. You can select multiple services.

Narrowing down by service

Service metric graphs can now be deleted via API

Until now, service metric graphs could only be deleted via the web console, but now they can be deleted via API. Please refer to the API documentation for details on API endpoints and input contents.

You can now copy or view the full text of a query in Trace's Database Performance

In Trace's Database Performance, you can now copy a query by clicking on the icon to the right of the query. Also, long queries are now displayed in abbreviated form, but if you click on "Show All," the full text of the query will be shown in an accordion menu.

Database Performance screen

Trace services that have not been posted for a while will no longer be suggested

In the trace filter conditions, all services that have had at least one post were previously suggested, but services that have not been posted for more than four days will no longer be suggested.

The supported OS have been changed

The supported OS have been changed as follows.

Please refer to Supported environments for the currently supported OS. For OS not listed, we cannot guarantee that the agent will work, and we may not be able to respond to your inquiries if a problem occurs.