The Mackerel x Twilio co-sponsored Hands-On Seminar was a big hit!
On Friday of last week, nearly 30 people participated in the Hands-On Seminar that we co-sponsored with Twilio. It was a huge success! Check out the materials used in the event at the link below.
Mackerel × Twilio Hands-On Seminar - 資料一覧 - connpass
(Only available in Japanese)
The scene of everyone’s cell phone starting to ring was truly amazing!
We plan on holding this event again next year as well, so for those of you who unfortunately couldn’t attend this time, join in on the next seminar!
Anyways, here is this week’s update information.
Restrictions can now be made for authentication methods when accessing the organization
You can now specify and make restrictions for available authentication methods when accessing the organization from that organization’s “Settings” tab.
By restricting access to only specific authentication methods other than password authentication, account management becomes less complex (Such as unifying the process of member retirement). By all means, give it a try.
Password authentication settings can now be deleted
Related to the update above, password authentication settings can now be deleted if multiple authentication methods have already been configured such as “password authentication and GitHub authentication”. This can be configured from the individual’s “Account Settings”.
Use this in combination with “Restrictions for authentication methods to access the organization”!
Now accepting applications for Mackerel Drink Up #3! (Only available in Japanese)
We are now accepting applications for Mackerel Drink Up, an exchange event targeting pending Mackerel users and those who have already been using Mackerel.
Each participant brings their own expertise. Engineers from the Mackerel team will also be in attendance so feel free to ask them questions directly.
Food and drinks will be provided, so considering the season, it’ll be like a small end-of-the-year party! By all means, join us!