

The system will temporarily shut down for database maintenance on June 5th (Wed.) at 2:30 pm (JST)

Thank you for choosing Mackerel.

The system will be temporarily suspended for maintenance according to the schedule below. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Scheduled date and time

  • June 5th (Wed.) from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm (JST)


  • Database maintenance

Areas affected during maintenance period

  • Once maintenance has begun, the entire Mackerel system will shutdown for a short period of time.
  • Actual downtime will run about 30 minutes during the time period mentioned above.
  • Web access to Mackerel, data posting by the agent, API access (including the CLI tool), alert notifications, AWS/Azure Integration etc. will be unavailable
  • As soon as maintenance is completed and working operation is confirmed, the system shutdown will end and an announcement will be made
  • As for mackerel-agent metric posting, data will be buffered from mackerel-agent during the maintenance period and resent after maintenance has been completed
    • If resent properly, graphs during the maintenance period will also be displayed.

Regarding Announcements

Situation reports will be made from the Mackerel status page ( as well as from this blog (

Additionally, we’ll also be using our official Twitter account (

For inquiries related to this matter

Please send all inquiries regarding this matter to

Thank you again for your understanding and cooperation. And thank you for choosing Mackerel.