

Enhanced linkage between traces and metrics! Instantly reference metrics from traces by setting up common attributes!

Hello, this is Mackerel Team CRE's id:KGA. We’ve made some updates to the distributed tracing feature. It now works with the Metric Explorer! Plus, the UI language can now switch between Japanese and English based on user settings.

By setting shared attributes between spans in a trace and labeled metrics, a link from the tracing feature screen to the Metric Explorer will appear, allowing you to quickly check related metrics.

Currently, the link to the Metric Explorer is displayed when the following attributes are set:

  • Either or
  • (If service.namespace is set, it will be used for further filtering.)

You can check metrics directly from a trace!

Tracing feature language is now based on user interface settings

You can change the language used in the user interface by going to the top-right menu, selecting Account Settings, then navigating to "User Interface" → "Language."

Previously, the distributed tracing feature was only available in Japanese. Now, it follows the user interface language setting and can be switched to English.

When you change the user interface language, the distributed tracing feature will also switch to English.