Mackerel team CRE Miura (id:missasan) here.
As previously announced, several fascinating presentations are lined-up for Mackerel UG Kansai Meetup # 1. Itec Hankyu Hanshin will be presenting on "Introducing Mackerel in fully managed hosting" and Beyond Co., Ltd. will be talking about "Comparing server monitoring contents with Mackerel and Zabbix”. Right now it seems like there are still some spots available, so please come and join us if you’re in the Kansai area! (Japanese only)
Now on to this week’s update information.
New information added that can be obtained with the user list API
The added information is as follows.
- isInRegistrationProcess
- isMFAEnabled
- authenticationMethods
- joinedAt
For more details, refer to the help page linked below.
Specification changes for the host update API
As was announced in the following entry, specifications of the host update API have changed. For more details, see the entry below.