Hello! Mackerel team CRE Miura (id:missasan) here.
So far, Mackerel has been developing with a goal of making a release every week. In fact, this week marks 197 consecutive weeks of releases!
Only 3 more weeks until we reach the big 200. Here at Hatena, we’re already starting to prepare for the party to celebrate this achievement.
Looking back about two years ago when we reached our 100th consecutive week, the Mackerel User Group launched around the same time.
Leading up to the 200th week, we are planning on making some memorable releases as well!
Now on to this week’s update information.
Updates for Mackerel related OSS
go-check-plugins v0.21.0
- [check-ssl-cert] A check plugin for monitoring the SSL certificate expiration date has been added.
- [check-ntpoffset] You can now specify the ntp server and check the offset.
- [check-mysql] An option to specify the socket file was added.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.